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Human Resource Benefits at a Glance

San Juan College offers many benefits from health care, life insurance, retirement plans, to educational tuition waivers and fitness benefits.  以下是对未来员工的简要描述,以了解根据就业状况提供的福利. 所有福利都取决于行政政策、供应商协议和州立法. 更详细的信息和入学说明将在就业时提供, at new employee orientation.

Health Insurance

Employees have the option of choosing coverage from three providers and five different plans; Presbyterian HMO Plan, Blue Cross Blue Shield HMO Plan, Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO Plan, Cigna HMO Plan or Cigna PPO Plan. The prescription drug plan is through CVS Caremark. 有关这些计划的更多信息,请访问下面的网站.


Blue Cross Blue Shield 


CVS Caremark - Group #SONMRXP

Comprehensive coverage is provided by Delta Dental. 诊断和预防服务100%由该计划支付,没有免赔额. Basic services are paid 80/20 ($50 deductible); and major services are paid 60/40 (deductible applies). Orthodontic services allow up to $2,000 lifetime maximum for children up to age 18 and $1,750 lifetime maximum for adults 18 and over. For more information please visit their website at

由EyeMed提供保险,包括每12个月的常规眼科检查, lenses every 12 months, frames every 24 months, and contacts every 12 months. For more information please visit their website at

灵活支出账户(FSA)为您提供了一种方便的方式来支付医疗和受抚养人的护理费用,同时节省了您的税款. 有两种类型的帐户:医疗报销和受扶养人护理报销. 你可以选择在每个支付期将税前收入的一部分存入其中一个账户或两个账户. This money, FREE OF TAXES, 是否用于发还你及你的合资格家庭成员在该年内所发生的合资格未获发还开支. Eligible expenses include healthcare copays, co-insurance, deductibles, prescriptions, and out of pocket expenses.

ComPsych为员工及其家属提供多达5个免费的手机, confidential counseling sessions per event. This program helps with anger management, drug/alcohol abuse, stress, depression, anxiety, family and marital issues. For more information please contact ComPsych at 1-833-515-0771

Life Insurance

The life insurance coverage is through The Hartford. San Juan College offers a free $50,000 Basic Term Life insurance policy and matching $50,合资格雇员的意外死亡及伤残津贴, paid 100% by SJC. 哈特福德酒店也提供短期和长期残疾保险,由员工100%支付. 补充定期人寿保险以10美元的增量提供,000 up to $150,000 for both the employee and their spouse/domestic partner. 26岁以下的受抚养人可享受5美元的受抚养人人寿保险,000, $10,000, or $15,000. 补充人寿保险和家属人寿保险都由雇员支付100%. View more info about The Hartford Life Insurance

Retirement Plan

教育退休委员会(ERB)是一个法定实体,负责执行新墨西哥州教育退休法案(ERA),为教师提供安全的退休福利, administrators, and other employees within the state's public school system, of higher learning, and educational agencies.

雇员再培训局提供固定收益退休计划,由雇员和雇主共同供款. 雇员再培训局计划的成员资格是雇员每周工作超过10小时或每学期教学超过3个学分的条件. Learn more about the ERB

For employees with annual wages of :

  • Over $24,000, the employer share is 18.15% of reportable compensation and the employee share is 10.7%.
  • Less than $24,000, the employer share is 18.15% of reportable compensation and the employee share is 7.9%.
  • Rates effective 7/1/23.

Alternate Retirement Plan

retirement plan (ARP) administered by TIAA-CREF.

Additional Benefits

员工可以享受丰厚的带薪休假计划和假日工资. In addition, employees enjoy a two-week paid winter break. 

Employee Type

Sick Leave

Annual Leave (Vacation)

Professional Staff and Faculty (12 month)

13 days per year

22 days per year

Support Staff

13 days per year


Professional Staff and Faculty (9 month, 10 month, & 11 month)



9 month

9.765 days for 9 months


10 month

10.85 days for 10 months


11 month

11.935 days for 11 months


Tuition is waived for employee, 在火博体育或新墨西哥高地大学学习每学期最多4个学分. 健康与人类表现中心还提供免费会员资格. 16至26岁的合格家庭成员每学期最多可减免4个学分的学费,并且还可以免费成为健康与人类表现中心的会员. 一个家庭成员可以同时使用两份豁免书,或者两个不同的家庭成员可以分别使用一份豁免书.

全职和兼职员工可以每天使用30分钟,每周最多使用三次, not to exceed a total of 90 minutes, 参加健康与人类表现中心(HHPC)或校园其他地方的健身活动. 这段时间必须与员工的正常午餐时间结合使用,并事先与直接主管安排. 为了这个目的,每天的午餐时间不能超过30分钟. 这段时间只能用于健身活动,不能用于延长或增加休息或病假/年假时间.

学院设有病假银行,为定期受惠者提供福利, 符合要求并遭受严重伤害或疾病或影响精神或身体健康的衰弱状况的非临时雇员, 是什么让他们无法工作,并需要有执照的医生长时间的服务. 病假银行的设立是为了减轻员工在用完所有累积的年假和病假后可能遇到的困难,但仍然需要休假. 申请使用病假银行时,必须证明员工患病或受伤,导致员工无法连续工作至少10个工作日,并迫使员工用完所有累积的年假和病假,并失去赔偿.

雇员可以参加403(b)计划,该计划提供可选的退休储蓄. There are eight approved vendors. 403(b)可以在退休年龄提供补充收入. 

Employees have full access to the San Juan College Library which includes; Books, Audiobooks, Periodicals, DVDs, and CDs.

Phone: (505) 566-3215

Fax: (505) 566-3521

Educational Services Building, Room 4246

M-F 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.